Saturday, August 6, 2016

New Mountains to Climb, Part I

Have you read the July/August issue of the Lion Magazine?  Or read International President Chancellor Bob Corlew's theme on-line?  If not, you must.

According to International President Corlew, "Climbing a mountain is used as a metaphor for many daily situations people confront.  It represents something that is difficult and arduous and that takes maximum effort to scale.  But it is only by climbing those mountains that we ever excel to our fullest. Each mountain represents a new challenge--a new opportunity."

We all face challenges, some times daily, some more than others.  But one thing Lions have in common is our ability to see past our own struggles and challenges to help others in need.  We must continue to climb these mountains, finding new ways to serve not only our community but others around the world.  "Every mountain represents a new opportunity for Lions, and scaling each mountain provides each of us a chance to make the world better for another person."  And here, in Alaska, we aren't lacking for mountains to climb!

Have you ever considered what your town would be like if not for the Lions' presence?  Probably not. But take a minute to think about it or discuss at your next Club meeting.  What club projects have had the most impact in your community?

As part of our Centennial Celebration, we've been asked to do three simple things:
  1. Participate in the four centennial service activity areas:  Engaging our Youth, Sharing the Vision, Relieving the Hunger, Protecting Our Environment.
  2. Create Legacy Projects.
  3. Increase Membership.
Clubs are doing an awesome job participating in these areas, but now is not the time to stop.  The four centennial service activity areas are easy to do but clubs are struggling with Legacy projects.  

Legacy projects are visible and permanent gifts that will remind your community of all the great work your club performs every time they walk by the object or use it.  For instance, a park bench, a fountain, a new playground park for the children, a medical center, a sports field, a library for our children or senior citizens, or a Lions sign that welcomes visitors to your town and lets them know that mountains are being climbed.  You can plant one tree or a forest of trees; provide bus stop shelters; bike racks; or statues.  

Climb that mountain!  Connect with your community in a way you never have before!  

In International President Corlew's story, he writes, "We know from focus group surveys of non-Lions that our Lions logo is one of the most widely recognized among non-profit groups. Knowing this, let's be sure that our Lions logo is prominently displayed as a permanent part of your Legacy project.

It is Lions Clubs International goal to serve 100 million people by June 30, 2018.  How will they know if we meet that goal?  By monitoring what individual clubs enter into MyLCI.  The four centennial service activities NEED TO BE SELECTED for each activity.  If you do a new Legacy project, that, too, NEEDS TO BE SELECTED in MyLCI.  

It's time for all Clubs to consider what you want your Legacy to be in your home town.....  What will your's be?  #Lions100   Presidential Theme 2016-2017.

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