Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Statistics Doesn't Lie

Lion Ted Burke, GMT for 49A, reports that for the first half of our Lion year, "we are losing members faster than gaining new members."

As part of the Centennial Challenge we are all asked to Ask One.  Sponsor that person and receive a Centennial Sponsor Pin and Certificate!

Clubs are asked to induct at least three new members this fiscal year.  Three.  That is all.

District leaders are asked to Charter one new club.  If you look at the 49A map and where present clubs are located, there's a lot of possibilities!  Just Ask!

Lion Ted has recognized one Club that continues to show an increase -- Anchorage Mabuhay Lions Club!  They've added 13 new members!  Now, THAT'S how it's done!

At this time, we have 1,505 Lion members; last year we had 1,580 at this same time.  Statistics don't lie.

What are we going to do about it?  Ask One!
