Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Relieving the Hunger

January is Relieving the Hunger Campaign.

Does your club have a project planned for this month?  If not, you might consider a project that fills the Relieving the Hunger Centennial Service Challenge.  Even though the month is half over, it doesn't take much to plan a food drive for your local food bank or pantry. Some other ideas are cooking at your local homeless shelter, checking with your local school district to see if they have a program where they feed the children, or distributing food baskets to the needy.  There's so many ways we can contribute to this service challenge.  Click HERE for more ideas.  And remember, feeding the hungry isn't something we do one time a year.  Consider expanding your Relieving the Hunger campaign to quarterly activities.

Remember to enter your activity into MyLCI Service Activities and designate it as a Relieving the Hunger signature activity!

For more information on how to participate in this campaign, click HERE.

We Serve!