Thursday, November 24, 2016

Legacy Project: Newtok Water Project

The POWER of Lions...

Happy Thanksgiving to all. Today as we give thanks wanted to pass on one of the things I give thanks for...Lions. And realizing that we as Lions do not do a good job of tooting our horn, am letting everyone know what the Lions of Multiple District 49 did within a few months.

A little background...the Alaskan village of Newtok will become a casualty of erosion within the next year or two and the population of 209 will have to move to higher ground about 9 miles away to a new village named Mertarvik (literally meaning "a place to get water"). What was interesting is that although millions of dollars had already been spent and budgeted for houses, roads, etc., no funding was forthcoming for a way to provide clean water. A water well for the village was drilled and an electric water pump installed but there was no electricity or filtration system in place.

This is where the Lions stepped in...

The Fairbanks Host Lions sponsored two of their members to go around to small villages in the Philippines to assemble and hand out small hand-operated drinking water plants after a typhoon knocked out the ability to get clean water. After returning the Host Lions wanted to do a similar project closer to home and they talked to Jon Dufendach of CampWater Industries who in turn talked to the Cold Climate Housing Research Center (CCHRC). Although there are 35 villages without clean water, the recommendation was Mertarvik and the Host Lions started running.

The Host Lions presented it to the District 49B cabinet for adopting this as a major Lions Centennial project in March 2016. Next, District 49A was asked to help support and then both the District 49A and 49B Foundations (both 501(c)(3) organizations) tackled this as a joint project.
At the Multiple District 49 convention in April 2016 they started raising the $30,000 needed. Jon Dufendach volunteered his time and CCHRC provided two laborers, not charging us for it. Jon installed a hand pump (remember no electricity there yet), the filtration system, and built a wellhouse the last month of June 2016...this is the POWER of Lions.

We Serve!
Submitted by Ski Marcinkowski

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Legacy Level 1: Eyeglass Collection Box

What is a Legacy Project?  

A Legacy Project is a VISIBLE gift to your community.  

A Level 1 project raises your visibility in the community.  

It shines all year long where passerbys can see it and be reminded of just how important your club is to the community.  

Examples of a Legacy Level 1:
donate a park bench where needed
post new Lion signs around town
maintain a town fountain
or, in this case, build some awesome collection boxes for eyeglasses!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The Soldotna Lions Club collects used eyeglasses to send to the Lions recycling center in North Pole, Alaska, The eyeglasses collection boxes located at the various locations throughout the community were deteriorated and needed to be replaced. The club's Vision Chair, Jewel Lee Martin, asked the club for approval to have a local high school students in a woodworking shop class, under the direction of their teacher, make new collection boxes out of wood. The club agreed to pay $300.00 to cover material cost and to engage the seven students and their teacher in the project. It took the class a month to make eight beautiful wood collection boxes.

Jewel Lee Martin, Soldotna Lions Vision Chair asked the students and teacher how the club could express thanks for the excellent work that they did with making the collection boxes and the students replied that they would love some pizza which Jewel Lee provided for them.   #Lions100  Protecting Our Environment

We Serve!
Submitted by 
1st VDG Jeannine Morse
Soldotna Lions Club

Legacy Level 1: Flower Pots Down Main Street Seward

What is a Legacy Project?  

A Legacy Project is a VISIBLE gift to your community.  

A Level 1 project raises your visibility in the community.  

It shines all year long where passerbys can see it and be reminded of just how important your club is to the community.  

Examples of a Legacy Level 1:
donate a park bench where needed
post new Lion signs around town
maintain a town fountain
or, in this case, maintain flower pots in the heart of town.  
Lions Dave and Cindy Beardsley
"Seward Resurrection Bay Lions maintain 12 of these flower pots year round.  We plant new flowers in the spring and do weekly clean out, as some people use these for ashtrays and trash bins.  This Legacy Project was started in May 2016."

We Serve!
Submitted by PDG Cindy Beardsley
Seward Resurrection Bay Lions

Saturday, November 12, 2016

2nd Quarter Centennial Report

Centennial service activity increased this quarter.  We still have five clubs who have completed all four categories with five other clubs right behind with three categories completed. 

Four Service Areas:
The following clubs have reported centennial service activities in MyLCI with five clubs having completed all four categories:

Engaging our Youth:
Sutton Racing
Mountain View
Juneau Mendenhall Flying Lions
Eagle River Sleeping Lady Mt.
Anchorage Mt. McKinley
Seward Resurrection Bay
Anchorage Benton Bay Athletics
Anchorage Muldoon

Sharing the Vision:
Eagle River Sleeping Lady Mt
Anchorage Muldoon
Anchorage Mabuhay
Mt. View
Girdwood Turnagain Arm
Juneau Mendenhall Flying Lions
Anchorage Mt. McKinley
Seward Resurrection Bay

Relieving the Hungry:
Anchorage Mt. McKinley
Anchorage Mabuhay
Anchorage Polynesian
Juneau Mendenhall Flying Lions
Copper River Basin
Girdwood Turnagain Arm
Eagle River Sleeping Lady Mt.

Protecting Our Environment:
Juneau Mendenhall Flying Lions
Seward Resurrection Bay
Anchorage 1st Hmong
Eagle River Sleeping Lady Mt.
Anchorage Mabuhay
Anchorage Polynesia

Legacy Projects: 
A few clubs completed and reported new Legacy projects this quarter; we gained six Level 1 Legacy Projects.   Reminder:  Legacy projects are visible gifts to our community, not generally a gift given to one person, not an event, vision screening, or a financial contribution (unless your club name will go on a plaque to identify your contribution).   
Level 1:   17 completed projects      
Kodiak (7), Soldotna (1), Copper River Basin (2), Juneau Mendenhall Flying Lions (1), Eagle River Sleeping
Lady Mt. (2), Sutton Racing (1), Anchorage Mt. McKinley (1), Chugiak (1), Seward Resurrection Bay (1)

Level 2:  4 completed projects
Seward Resurrection Bay, Juneau Mendenhall Flying Lions, Eagle River Sleeping Lady Mt., Sutton Racing

Level 3:  1 completed project
Eagle River Sleeping Lady Mt.

 The Gold Rush of Lionism Blog
Continue to update the Centennial blog on a regular basis.

People Served: 
So far this year 49A has served 78,996 people. 
We Serve!
Lion Nancy Norton
49A Centennial Coordinator